Company News

Avinet launch new WHS Software One Maestro

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We are excited to introduce our new Operational, Fatigue Management and Work Health and Safety Software (WHS) solution, One Maestro.

Launching at the end of October, One Maestro is our industry-wide product developed for a range of sectors such as Transport, Mining, Not-For-Profit and Health.

One Maestro efficiently manages workplace health safety requirements and promotes safety culture across an organisation by enabling employees to log incidents, conduct audits, track their COVID-19 Status, manage training and report on risks and hazards with ease.

Not just a WHS Software solution, One Maestro also offers in-depth operational modules to manage employee fatigue, monitor compliance and create induction checklists in one solution. A complimentary app containing offline functionality is available for many of the modules.

Tailored Demo

If your organisation is looking for an all-encompassing software solution that integrates all your Compliance, WHS, Fatigue Management, Training, Rostering and Scheduling needs and you would like to see One Maestro in action, we offer convenient recorded and live webinar sessions that can be customised to your business.

If you do not see a suitable session, you can contact us at to organise a tailored session for your organisation.

For more information about our One Maestro software, view the One Maestro brochure.